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Doc. Date Docketed Case Type Description Filed by Notes
Click to open document 10/19/2018 Death Penalty NOTICE-APPEAL (3.851 INITIAL) AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652
10/24/2018 Death Penalty No Fee Required 3.851 Proceeding
Click to open document 10/24/2018 Death Penalty COPY OF THE LOWER TRIBUNAL ORDER/ACTION BEING APPEALED Order Denying in Part Defendant's Motion for Postconviction Relief and Granting in Limited Part Defendant's Motion for Postconviction Relief as to a New Penalty Phase Pursuant to Hurst v. State
Click to open document 10/24/2018 Death Penalty ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTER-NEW CASE Supreme Court Of Florida BY: Supreme Court Of Florida
Click to open document 10/24/2018 Death Penalty ORDER-RECORD FILING (HEARINGS/TRIAL) TR: 01/07/2019; ROA: 01/28/2019
Click to open document 12/03/2018 Death Penalty STATUS REPORT AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Status Report
Click to open document 12/20/2018 Death Penalty STATUS REPORT Adrian Gentry Soud 175153 BY: Adrian Gentry Soud 175153 Status Report of Compliance with Supreme Court of Florida Order to Detail Current Status of Record Preparation
Click to open document 12/20/2018 Death Penalty STATUS REPORT Adrian Gentry Soud 175153 BY: Adrian Gentry Soud 175153 Corrected Status Report of Compliance with Supreme Court of Florida Order to Detail Current Status of Record Preparation
Click to open document 01/14/2019 Death Penalty STATUS REPORT AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Status Report
Click to open document 01/15/2019 Death Penalty RECORD/TRANSCRIPT Ronnie Fussell BY: Ronnie Fussell Filed Electronically (Redacted Version)
01/15/2019 Death Penalty RECORD/TRANSCRIPT Ronnie Fussell BY: Ronnie Fussell Filed Electronically (Unredacted Version)
Click to open document 01/16/2019 Death Penalty ORDER-DEP BRIEF SCHED (100) The record having been received by the Court, the briefs in the above styled case are to be filed as follows: Appellant's brief is to be filed on or before April 25, 2019; appellee's brief shall be filed seventy days after filing of appellant's brief; and appellant's reply brief shall be filed forty days after filing of appellee's brief. As the time for filing the briefs has already been extended, further motions for extension of time will be granted only due to a medical emergency.
01/23/2019 Death Penalty EXHIBITS Ronnie Fussell BY: Ronnie Fussell Copies of Court Exhibit #1, Defense Exhibit #34, and Defense Exhibit #38 (3 CDs Placed w/ File)
Click to open document 04/03/2019 Death Penalty STATUS REPORT AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Supplemental Status Report
Click to open document 04/25/2019 Death Penalty MOTION-BRIEF PAGE ENLARGEMENT AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Motion for Leave to File Brief in Excess of Page Limit (Corrected/Amended Motion filed 4/29/2019)
Click to open document 04/25/2019 Death Penalty INITIAL BRIEF-MERITS AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Appellant's Initial Brief
Click to open document 04/26/2019 Death Penalty RESPONSE AE State Of Florida state1 BY: AE Lisa Hopkins 99459 Objection to Motion for Enlargement
Click to open document 04/29/2019 Death Penalty MOTION-BRIEF PAGE ENLARGEMENT AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Appellant's Corrected and Amended Motion to Enlarge His Initial Brief
Click to open document 05/01/2019 Death Penalty ORDER-BRIEF PAGE ENLARGEMENT GR Appellant's Motion to Enlarge His Initial Brief is hereby granted, and the initial brief on the merits was filed with this Court on April 25, 2019. Appellee shall have 70 days from the date of this order in which to file the answer brief on the merits.
Click to open document 07/10/2019 Death Penalty ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS AE State Of Florida state1 BY: AE Lisa Hopkins 99459 Answer Brief of Appellee
Click to open document 07/10/2019 Death Penalty MOTION-EXT OF TIME (REPLY BRIEF-MERITS) AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Motion for Extension of Time for Filing Reply Brief on Denial of Relief Under Rule 3.851
Click to open document 07/16/2019 Death Penalty ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (REPLY BRIEF-MERITS) Appellant's motion for extension of time is granted, and appellant is allowed to and including October 3, 2019, in which to file the reply brief on the merits. Multiple extensions of time for the same filing are discouraged. Absent extenuating circumstances, subsequent requests may be denied.
Click to open document 09/09/2019 Death Penalty LETTER AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Terry Smith 130985 Letter dated August 30, 2019 *Stricken, per 1/29/2020 Order.*
Click to open document 10/03/2019 Death Penalty REPLY BRIEF-MERITS AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Appellant's Reply Brief
Click to open document 10/16/2019 Death Penalty ORDER-OA SCHED The above cases are hereby scheduled for oral argument at 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, February 5, 2020. A maximum of twenty minutes to the side is allowed for the argument, but counsel is expected to use only so much of that time as is necessary. NO CONTINUANCES WILL BE GRANTED EXCEPT UPON A SHOWING OF EXTREME HARDSHIP.
Click to open document 01/29/2020 Death Penalty ORDER-STRIKE Appellant's letter dated August 30, 2019, is hereby stricken.
02/05/2020 Death Penalty ORAL ARGUMENT HELD
Click to open document 02/18/2020 Death Penalty MAIL RETURNED AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Terry Smith 130985 Order entered 1/29/2020. *Mailed to updated address.*
Click to open document 03/05/2020 Death Penalty MOTION-BRIEF SUPPLEMENTATION AE State Of Florida state1 BY: AE Lisa Hopkins 99459 Motion to Permit Cross-Appeal and Supplemental Briefing
Click to open document 03/11/2020 Death Penalty NOTICE-APPEAL (CROSS) AE State Of Florida state1 BY: AE Lisa Hopkins 99459 State's Notice of Cross-Appeal *Stricken, per 2/16/2021 Order*
Click to open document 03/12/2020 Death Penalty MOTION-STRIKE AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Karin L. Moore 351652 Appellant's Motion to Strike Appellee's Motion to Permit Cross-Appeal and Supplemental Briefing
Click to open document 04/01/2020 Death Penalty ORDER-STAY PROCEEDINGS FSC (TAG CASE) The proceedings in the circuit court and in this Court in the above cases are stayed pending disposition of State of Florida v. Michael James Jackson, Case No. SC20-257 and State of Florida v. Bessman Okafor, Case No. SC20-323, which are pending in this Court.
Click to open document 04/02/2020 Death Penalty LETTER AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Terry Smith 130985
Click to open document 04/27/2020 Death Penalty NOTICE-APPEARANCE AE State Of Florida state1 BY: AE William D. Chappell 120449
Click to open document 07/02/2020 Death Penalty NOTICE-APPEARANCE AE State Of Florida state1 BY: AE Jason W. Rodriguez 125285 Notice of Appearance and Substitution of Counsel
Click to open document 02/16/2021 Death Penalty ORDER-BRIEF SUPPLEMENTATION DY Appellee/Respondent's Motion to Permit Cross-Appeal and Supplemental Briefing is hereby denied and the State's Notice of Cross-Appeal, filed with this Court on March 11, 2020, is stricken. Appellant/Petitioner's "Motion to Strike Appellee's Motion to Permit Cross-Appeal and Supplemental Briefing" is hereby denied as moot.
Click to open document 10/21/2021 Death Penalty DISP-AFFIRMED FSC-OPINION: For the reasons stated above, we affirm the postconviction court's order denying Smith's motion for postconviction relief as to the guilt phase and deny the petition for a writ of habeas corpus. It is so ordered.
Click to open document 11/05/2021 Death Penalty MOTION-REHEARING AA Terry Smith 130985 BY: AA Elizabeth Spiaggi 1002602
Click to open document 12/10/2021 Death Penalty DISP-REHEARING DY Appellant/Petitioner's Motion for Rehearing is hereby denied.
Click to open document 12/28/2021 Death Penalty MANDATE
Click to open document 12/28/2021 Death Penalty ORDER-NOTICE OF DELAY Article I, section 16(b)(10)b. of the Florida Constitution provides that all state-level appeals and collateral attacks on any judgment must be complete within two years of the date of appeal in non-capital cases and five years from the date of appeal in capital cases unless a court enters an order with specific findings as to why the court was unable to comply and the circumstances causing the delay. Pursuant to the administrative procedures and definitions set forth in Supreme Court of Florida Administrative Order No. AOSC19-76, this case was not completed within the time frame required by Article I, section 16(b)(10)b. because the time frame had already expired by the time this case was filed.
Click to open document 01/07/2022 Death Penalty PUBLISH FULL
Click to open document 04/06/2022 Death Penalty USSC Order GR Ext of Time The application for an extension of time within which to file a petition for a writ of certiorari in the above-entitled case has been presented to Justice Thomas, who on March 9, 2022, extended the time to and including April 11, 2022.
Click to open document 04/18/2022 Death Penalty USSC Not/Cert Filed in FSC The petition for a writ of certiorari in the above entitled case was filed on April 11, 2022 and placed on the docket April 14, 2022 as No. 21-7610.
Click to open document 05/19/2022 Death Penalty USSC Disp-Certiorari Dy The Court today entered the following order in the above-entitled case: The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.