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Click to open document 07/14/2022 The Florida Bar PETITION-SUSPENSION (EMERGENCY) Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 BY: Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547
07/14/2022 The Florida Bar APPENDIX-PETITION Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 BY: Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 EXHIBITS A; 1-16 (CONTAINS CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION)
Click to open document 07/14/2022 The Florida Bar NOTICE-CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 BY: Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547
Click to open document 07/14/2022 The Florida Bar POSSIBLE VENUE Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 BY: Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547
07/15/2022 The Florida Bar No Fee Required
Click to open document 07/15/2022 The Florida Bar ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTER-NEW CASE-FLBAR Supreme Court Of Florida BY: Supreme Court Of Florida
Click to open document 07/15/2022 The Florida Bar APPENDIX-PETITION Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 BY: Patricia Ann Toro Savitz 559547 EXHIBITS A; 1-16 (REDACTED)
Click to open document 07/19/2022 The Florida Bar DISP-SUSPENSION (EMERG CLOSE OUT) The Petition for Emergency Suspension filed pursuant to Rule 3-5.2 of the Rules Regulating the Florida Bar is approved and it is hereby ordered that Respondent is suspended from the practice of law until further order of this Court, and Respondent is ordered: a. to accept no new clients from the date of this Court's order and to cease representing any clients after 30 days from the date of this Court's order. Within 30 days from the date of this Court's order, respondent shall wind down all pending matters and shall not initiate any litigation on behalf of clients. Respondent shall withdraw from all representation within 30 days from the date of this Court's order. In addition, respondent shall cease acting as personal representative for any estate, as guardian for any ward, and as trustee for any trust and will withdraw from said representation within thirty days from the date of this Court's order and will immediately turn over to any successor the complete financial records of any estate, guardianship, or trust upon the successor's appointment. b. to furnish a copy of the suspension order to all clients, opposing counsel, courts before which James Santos Wilkie is counsel of record, and state, federal, or administrative bars of which respondent is a member, as required by Rule 3-5.1(h), and to furnish Staff Counsel with the requisite affidavit listing all clients, opposing counsel and courts so informed within 30 days after receipt of the Court's order. Respondent shall also fully comply with Rule Regulating the Florida Bar 3-6.1, if applicable. c. to refrain from withdrawing or disbursing any money from any trust account related to respondent's law practice until further order of this Court, a judicial referee appointed by this Court or by order of the Circuit Court in an inventory attorney proceeding instituted under Rule 1-3.8, and to deposit any fees, or other sums received in connection with the practice of law or in connection with respondent's employment as a personal representation, guardian or trustee, paid to respondent after issuance of this Court's order of emergency suspension, into a specified trust account from which withdrawal may only be made in accordance with restrictions imposed by this Court. Further, respondent shall be required to notify bar counsel of The Florida Bar of the receipt and location of said funds within 30 days of this Court's order. d. to not withdraw any money from any trust account or other financial institution account related to respondent's law practice or transfer any ownership of any real or personal property purchased in whole or in part with funds properly belonging to clients, probate estates for which respondent served as personal representative, guardianship estates for which respondent served as guardian, and trusts for which respondent served as trustee without approval of this Court, a judicial referee appointed by this Court or by order of the Circuit Court in an inventory attorney proceeding instituted under Rule 1-3.8. e. to notify, in writing, all banks and financial institutions where the respondent maintains an account related to the practice of law, or related to services rendered as a personal representative of an estate, or related to services rendered as a guardian, or related to services rendered as a trustee, or where respondent maintains an account that contains funds that originated from a probate estate for which respondent was guardian, or trust for which respondent was trustee, of the provisions of this Court's order and to provide all the aforementioned banks and financial institutions with a copy of this Court's order. Further, respondent shall be required to provide bar counsel with an affidavit listing (SEE ORDER FOR ENTIRE ORDER LANGUAGE)
Click to open document 07/19/2022 The Florida Bar REFEREE APPOINTED HON. ROSEMARIE SCHER, 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, DATED 07/19/2022
Click to open document 09/27/2022 The Florida Bar MOTION-EXT OF TIME (REFEREE'S REPORT) PT The Florida Bar FB BY: PT Allie F. Huston 84992
Click to open document 09/28/2022 The Florida Bar ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (REFEREE'S REPORT) The Florida Bar's request for extension of time is granted and the referee is allowed sixty days after the Court has resolved the respondent's petition, In Re: Petition for Disciplinary Revocation of James Santos Wilkie, Case No. SC22-1009, in which to file the required referee's report. ALL OTHER TIMES ARE EXTENDED ACCORDINGLY.
Click to open document 10/27/2022 The Florida Bar DISP-DISM MISC (FLA BAR) In light of the order filed in In Re: Petition for Disciplinary Revocation of James Santos Wilkie, No. SC22-1009 (Fla. October 27, 2022), this case is dismissed. Pursuant to Rule Regulating The Florida Bar, 3-7.6(n)(3), the referee shall immediately file the record with this Court. NOT FINAL UNTIL TIME EXPIRES TO FILE REHEARING MOTION AND, IF FILED, DETERMINED.