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Doc. Date Docketed Description Filed by Notes
Click to open document 07/27/2017 NOTICE-DISCRETIONARY JURIS (DIRECT CONFLICT) PT Stephen Tognoli BY: PT Celene H. Humphries 884881
Click to open document 07/31/2017 ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTER-NEW CASE-PAY FEE Supreme Court Of Florida BY: Supreme Court Of Florida
Click to open document 07/31/2017 ORDER-COUNSEL PRO HAC VICE (FOREIGN COUNSEL) Any attorney involved in the above case who is not a member of The Florida Bar should immediately file a proper motion pursuant to Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.510, if they wish to have this Court consider them as counsel of record. Failure to file a proper motion could result in the imposition of sanctions, including striking the pleading listing the foreign attorney as counsel of record.
Click to open document 08/02/2017 NOTICE-DISCRETIONARY JURIS (DIRECT CONFLICT) PT Stephen Tognoli BY: PT Celene H. Humphries 884881 (UNCERTIFIED COPY REC'D 08/02/2017)
08/02/2017 Filing Fee $300 2017 - 1028626 Amount: $300
08/02/2017 Fee Paid In Full - $300
Click to open document 08/04/2017 MOTION-EXT OF TIME (JURIS BRIEF) PT Stephen Tognoli BY: PT Brannock & Humphries Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Jurisdictional Brief
Click to open document 08/04/2017 MOTION-TOLL TIME PT Stephen Tognoli BY: PT Brannock & Humphries Petitioner's Request to Toll Time
Click to open document 08/07/2017 ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (JURIS BRIEF-PETITIONER) Petitioner, Stephen Tognoli's "Unopposed Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Jurisdictional Brief" is granted, and petitioner is allowed to and including September 6, 2017, in which to serve the brief on jurisdiction. Multiple extensions of time for the same filing are discouraged. Absent extenuating circumstances, subsequent requests may be denied. All other times will be extended accordingly.
Click to open document 08/15/2017 ORDER-STAY PROCEEDINGS FSC (TAG CASE) The proceedings in this Court in the above case are hereby stayed pending disposition of Schoeff v. R.J. Reynolds, Case No. SC15-2233, which is pending in this Court.
Click to open document 01/19/2018 ORDER-SHOW CAUSE (TAG-REVERSE/QUASH) Respondent is hereby directed to show cause on or before February 5, 2018, why this Court should not accept jurisdiction in this case, summarily quash the decision being reviewed, and remand to the district court for reconsideration in light of our decision, Schoeff v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 42 Fla. L. Weekly S951 (Fla. Dec. 14, 2017). Petitioner may serve a reply on or before February 15, 2018.
Click to open document 02/05/2018 RESPONSE RS Philip Morris Usa, Inc. BY: RS Geoffrey J. Michael 86152
Click to open document 02/15/2018 REPLY TO RESPONSE PT Stephen Tognoli BY: PT Celene H. Humphries 884881
Click to open document 03/16/2018 DISP-REV GR MERITS (QUASH & REMAND) (TAG) Upon review of the responses to this Court's Order to Show Cause dated January 19, 2018, the Court has determined that it should accept jurisdiction in this case. It is ordered that the Petition for Review is granted, that the Fourth District Court of Appeal's decision in this case is quashed, and this matter is remanded to the district court for reconsideration upon application of our decision Schoeff v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., 232 So. 3d 294 (Fla. 2017). No motion for rehearing will be entertained by the Court.