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Doc. Date Docketed Description Filed by Notes
Click to open document 11/07/2017 DUAL BASIS- NOTICE-DISCRE JURIS-CERT GPI/CERT DIRECT CONF PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556
11/09/2017 No Fee - State State Appeal
Click to open document 11/09/2017 ACKNOWLEDGMENT LETTER-NEW CASE Supreme Court Of Florida BY: Supreme Court Of Florida
Click to open document 11/15/2017 JURIS INITIAL BRIEF PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 Petitioner's Brief on Jurisdiction
Click to open document 11/15/2017 APPENDIX-JURIS BRIEF PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 Appendix to Petitioner's Brief on Jurisdiction
Click to open document 11/21/2017 ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (JURIS BRIEF-RESPONDENT) Respondent's motion for extension of time is granted and respondent is allowed to and including January 11, 2018, in which to serve the jurisdictional answer brief. Multiple extensions of time for the same filing are discouraged. Absent extenuating circumstances, subsequent requests may be denied.
Click to open document 01/09/2018 JURIS ANSWER BRIEF RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Respondent's Brief on Jurisdiction
Click to open document 02/01/2018 ORDER-JURIS ACCEPT/BRIEF SCHED (OA LATER DATE) The Court accepts jurisdiction of this case. Petitioner's initial brief on the merits must be served on or before February 21, 2018; respondent's answer brief on the merits must be served twenty days after service of petitioner's initial brief on the merits; and petitioner's reply brief on the merits must be served twenty days after service of respondent's answer brief on the merits. The Clerk of the Fourth District Court of Appeal must file the record which must be properly indexed and paginated on or before April 2, 2018. The Clerk may provide the record in the format as currently maintained at the district court, either paper or electronic. Oral argument will be set by separate order. Counsel for the parties will be notified of the oral argument date approximately sixty days prior to oral argument.
Click to open document 02/01/2018 NOTICE-UNAVAILABILITY RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Respondent's Notice of Unavailability of Counsel (Counsel for Respondent, Peter Peraza is unavailable March 12-March 16, 2018; May 7-May 14, 2018; and June 10-July 15, 2018)
02/07/2018 RECORD/TRANSCRIPT Lonn Weissblum 498017 BY: Lonn Weissblum 498017 RECORD ON APPEAL (FILED ELECTRONICALLY)
Click to open document 02/12/2018 MOTION-STAY (PROCEEDINGS BELOW) PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556
02/13/2018 RECORD Lonn Weissblum 498017 BY: Lonn Weissblum 498017 ONE ENVELOPE (CD ROM) (2)
Click to open document 02/14/2018 RESPONSE RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Respondent's Objection to Petitioner's Motion to Recall and Stay Mandate Pending Review
Click to open document 02/19/2018 ORDER-STAY PROCEEDINGS BELOW GR Petitioner's "Motion to Recall and Stay Mandate" filed in the above cause is granted and proceedings in the Fourth District Court of Appeal and in the Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit in and for Broward County, Florida, are hereby stayed pending disposition of the petition for review filed herein.
Click to open document 02/21/2018 MOTION-EXT OF TIME (INITIAL BRIEF-MERITS) PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 Motion for Extension of Time to Service Petitioners Brief on the Merits
Click to open document 02/21/2018 MOTION-TOLL TIME PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 Request to Toll Time
Click to open document 02/22/2018 ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (INITIAL BRIEF-MERITS) Petitioner's motion for extension of time is granted and Petitioner is allowed to and including March 26, 2018, in which to serve the initial brief on the merits. Multiple extensions of time for the same filing are discouraged. Absent extenuating circumstances, subsequent requests may be denied. All other times will be extended accordingly.
Click to open document 03/26/2018 INITIAL BRIEF-MERITS PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 Petitioner's Brief on the Merits
Click to open document 03/27/2018 ORDER-APPENDIX DUE Petitioner's initial brief on the merits was filed with the Court on March 26, 2018, but not accompanied by an appendix pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.220. Petitioner is directed, on or before April 2, 2018, to file an appendix. The appendix shall contain an index and a conformed copy of the opinion or order to be reviewed and may contain any other portions of the record and other authorities.
Click to open document 03/27/2018 APPENDIX-MERIT BRIEF PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 * Stricken 3/27/18. Does not contain index or certificate of serivce.*
Click to open document 03/27/2018 ORDER-APPENDIX STRICKEN Petitioner's appendix does not comply with Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.220 and is hereby stricken. Petitioner is directed to file, within 5 days from the date of this order, an amended appendix as a separate PDF document. Per rule 9.220, the amended appendix must be properly bookmarked, indexed, and consecutively paginated so that the page numbers displayed by the PDF reader exactly match the pagination of the index. All pleadings filed in this Court must contain a Certificate of Service stating the names and addresses of those served and, if served on an attorney, the name of the party that attorney represents.
Click to open document 03/27/2018 APPENDIX-AMENDED-MERIT BRIEF PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556 Petitioner's Appendix
Click to open document 04/10/2018 MOTION-EXT OF TIME (ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS) RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Respondent's Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Reply to Petitioner's Brief on the Merits
Click to open document 04/10/2018 MOTION-TOLL TIME RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Request to Toll Time
Click to open document 04/12/2018 ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS) Respondent's motion for extension of time is granted, and respondent is allowed to and including April 26, 2018, in which to serve the answer brief on the merits. Multiple extensions of time for the same filing are discouraged. Absent extenuating circumstances, subsequent requests may be denied. All other times will be extended accordingly.
Click to open document 04/12/2018 MOTION-EXT OF TIME (ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS) RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Respondent's Amended Motion for Extension of Time to Serve Reply to Petitioner's Brief on the Merits
Click to open document 04/12/2018 MOTION-TOLL TIME RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 Request to Toll Time
Click to open document 04/13/2018 ORDER-EXT OF TIME GR (ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS) Respondent's motion for extension of time is granted, and respondent is allowed to and including May 16, 2018, in which to serve the answer brief on the merits. Multiple extensions of time for the same filing are discouraged. Absent extenuating circumstances, subsequent requests may be denied. All other times will be extended accordingly.
Click to open document 04/24/2018 MOTION-AMICUS CURIAE MR Fraternal Order Of Police, Fort Lauderdale, Lodge #31 BY: MR Robert C. Buschel 63436 Motion of the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge #31 to FIle an Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Respondent.
Click to open document 04/25/2018 ORDER-AMICUS CURIAE GR The motion for leave to file brief as amicus curiae filed by Fraternal Order of Police, Fort Lauderdale, Lodge #31 is hereby granted and they are allowed to file brief only in support of respondent. The brief by the above referenced amicus curiae shall be served pursuant to Florida Rule of Appellate Procedure 9.370(c).
Click to open document 05/14/2018 AMICUS CURIAE ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS MR Fraternal Order Of Police, Fort Lauderdale, Lodge #31 BY: MR Robert C. Buschel 63436
Click to open document 05/14/2018 ANSWER BRIEF-MERITS RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452 RESPONDENT'S ANSWER BRIEF
Click to open document 05/15/2018 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE (AMD) RS Peter Peraza BY: RS Eric Tolin Schwartzreich 86452
Click to open document 06/04/2018 REPLY BRIEF-MERITS PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556
Click to open document 06/08/2018 ORDER-OA SCHED (PREV ACCEPTED) The Court previously accepted jurisdiction. The Court will hear oral argument at 9:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 28, 2018. A maximum of twenty minutes to the side is allowed for the argument, but counsel is expected to use only so much of that time as is necessary. NO CONTINUANCES WILL BE GRANTED EXCEPT UPON A SHOWING OF EXTREME HARDSHIP.
Click to open document 08/24/2018 NOTICE-SUPPLEMENTAL AUTHORITY PT State Of Florida state1 BY: PT Melanie Dale Surber 168556
Click to open document 12/13/2018 DISP-APPROVED FSC-OPINION: Accordingly, we approve the Fourth District's decision and disapprove the Second District's decision. It is so ordered.
Click to open document 01/03/2019 MANDATE
Click to open document 01/04/2019 PUBLISH FULL